It rained this afternoon, again! With no outside time on the agenda, I decided to make some Kool-Aid edible play dough for Boeing. The stuff was super easy to make and came together really quick. At first Boe didn't know what to do with it; that didn't take long. Soon he was gooshing it in his fingers and mashing the cookie cutters into the soft dough. Surprisingly he did not try to eat it right away. As you can see by his expression, edible does not necessarily mean tasty.
First Play Dough


After our play dough adventure (and clean up), there was a diaper surprise in the dryer. Kent and I call it a "surprise" when you find something in the dryer or dishwasher you didn't know was there. Guess I am just grateful the surprise was clean diapers vs. dirty diapers! While loading the basket with the cloth, Boe decided to crawl into the dryer. I know it sounds crazy, but he was having the time of his life pushing the light button on and off while I quickly stuffed the diapers. The greatest forms of entertainment are always the most unexpected!

Dryer Fun

Cool Light