Boeing and I did a lot of cooking this summer. His interest in food clearly comes from my side of the family (Kent says it is an Olympic event for us). I can sit him on the kitchen counter while I gather the items and go about following our new recipe. This summer we tried grahan crackers from scratch, as well as granola bars. Boeing is loving granola bars lately (and oatmeal daily for breakfast), so I wanted to show him they don't just magically appear in a box from the store. They were quite delicious!
Graham Crackers
Granola Bars
Zucchini from Papa's garden; we made olive oil pie crist and put some eggs and cheese with the zucchini. It made for a nice dinner and breakfast the next day.
Anytime I pull out the parmesean cheese, Boe wants some in his dump truck. Silly!
Boe loved it! He is really a good eater, always eating his veggies off the plate first.
We were given some fresh peaches, so we HAD to make peach pie!
I had recently read on a cooking blog about putting an egg onto the bread of any bready type food for some added protein. Thought we would try it in leu of meat in our quesidilla. It was very good. The fresh garden tomatoes on top didn't hurt either!