Now that Boeing is old enough to be excited (well, semi-excited) about Christmas and presents and all the yumminess involved in the holiday season, I had hoped to do so many fun things in preperation for the big day. Sadly, however, CSUN and middle school took my time right up to Santa's visit and I was overwhelmed and burnt out. Boeing has mentioned several times that he "had a great Christmas!" That makes me happy!
Community Parade
Picking out our tree (same lot every year)
Handmade card for teachers at Parent Education
Making a gingerbread (graham cracker) house in class
Boe was not so into making the house, but was easily convinced to make a shed for his train car.
Playing with his friend Ryder
and Katie
Excited to go in and sing Jingle Bells for an audience.
They are all just too cute! Especially my guy!
Listening to a holiday story from Santa in class with his friend Sammie.
Looking at lights with Auntie Amy. So fun! And of course, traditional peppermint ice cream shake after!
Dinner with friends at our annual (second) book exchange holiday playdate! I made meatloaf and tried to make little santa clauses for the kids. They look like little bling mice!
Getting ready to sprinkle reindeer food on the lawn Christmas Eve.
Every year Auntie Cole (and I guess Uncle Bubba too) get Boeing his Christmas night jammies. It has been their tradition since his first Christmas. Well, this year, I suppose I should have prepared him that his gift would be clothing. Here he is just prior to opening them. Wish so bad there was a shot capturing the disappointed expression on his face when it was not a toy! Priceless!! Bubba told Boe to tell Auntie Cole "Thanks for nothing", and Boe said, "but she got me jammies." That was just the start of his lack of interest in anything clothing related received for the holiday. On Christmas GramE and GrampE gave him a big box with lots of fun things (toys, books, more jammies). He tossed out the jammies first thing and said, "Oh" in the saddest voice. Luckily he quickly recovered. Nama and Papa gave Boeing a Thomas the Train pillow Christmas Eve, and a bag of clothes on Christmas. He said, "Oh, somebody forgot to put toys in my bag!" It was too funny! Other than a few clothing items, that little guy sure did score!
We gave him an early gift before bed Christmas Eve. Luckily Richard Scarry still takes a top rank for him!
Cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. Boe wanted to leave chocolate milk!
Christmas morning! As I write this blog post weeks later, it is still his favorite and gets played with (wrecked) daily!