WOW did Huxley's first year go by fast! Serious, have a kid and it's like going in a time macine to the future. Huxley has always looked like a little man to me, often getting called my "Little Man". So, seeing that the mustache party is getting a little played out, I opted for this cute Bow tie themed picnic party. I saw a similar invite on Pinterest and just had to have it. When my dad bought the scroll saw and volunteered to cut all of the invitations out, I was set!Taking my skill level up a notch by transfering the ink to the wood was a fun experience. Sewing 24 little bows was not difficult when factoring out the Boeing factor. Deciding to keep things small and intimate, I only invited our Rinaldi Thursday playdate group and a few other moms from North Hills Co Op Preschool. This made it easier to do all the things I wanted to do at the local park. Everyone was super helpful, from GrampE cutting invites, GramE sitting while we set up, Auntie Amy making cupcakes, tiramisu and frosting the smash cake, Daddy helping set up, and Uncle Bubba photographing it all. All in all, my vision was achieved.
