Sunday, September 19, 2010

Two? Not yet!

How did Boeing turn two so fast? I can't believe how the time has flown. He is turning into such a little man (actually he refers to Daddy as Big Man and Boe as Baby Man). Every day he amazes us with something new. He is using new words daily and talking in complete sentences, usually over 6 words linked together; understanding him is not usually a problem. Days before his birthday he was counting to ten all by himself, naming eight or more shapes, labeling colors and somethimes singing parts of the alphabet. He is a genus!

Birthday breakfast pancakes with Mommy and Daddy and one gift opening. Boeing loves his first Raffi CD and we do too, so we got him another one. Looking up some of the songs/videos on youtube brought to my attention that this guy has been around since before my childhood time. Funny looking at kids from long ago enjoying the same silly songs.

On his toes, cheater!

Two years...
From Blogger Pictures

...two weeks (first photo shoot with Uncle Bubba)

Naturally I had to have a construction themed party. He loves the dump truck and "back hoe" and all things that dump (like the trash cans). We had a fun intimate playdate with our closest buddies (including the daddys) at our home with some of Daddy's yummy BBQ chicken sandwiches, GrampE's potato salad, Auntie Amy's cupcakes and Mommy's overboard decoratng. I even got some help from the woodshop teacher at school and made the kids tool boxes as favors! Everyone seemed to have a great time.
Felt tool belts and orange vest sewed by Mommy, construction hats. some tools and stickers were in the boxes!


Dessert table!

Mommies and Friends

"Boe Friends"


Boe with Ken and Jerry

and Auntie Amy

and Uncle Kirk and Cousin Nick

and Uncle Bubba and Oh Cole (Auntie Nicloe)

and Aunt Holly (came all the way from Denver just to celebrate with Boe)

and Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Judi

and Nama and Papa and GrammE and GrampE

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Mammoth Mountain Vacation (end of July)

Summer is not summer without a trip to Mammoth. Kent and I have been going to the Eastern Sierras (aka Mammoth) every year for over ten years. Sometimes when we are lucky we make it out there for a winter ski trip too! This was Boeing's second summer there and he naturally loved it; further proof he is just like his daddy!
Early morning wake up at the condo with a visit from the trash truck. How perfect!

Fun at the local park!

Looking for a Honu. Not in this cold water baby! Daddy will have to take us back to Hawaii!

Beautiful wildflowers everywhere!

Boat rental on Lake Mary. Boe totally did not like wearing the life vest but quickly fell asleep. Guess it wasn't the hit we thought it would be. Maybe next summer with a pole!

Fish Hatchery

Devil's Post Pile (and a little geography lesson from Daddy)

Morning hike at Tom's Plade

Downside of solitude, no one to take our family photo!

Daddy conveniently forgot the frame pack. Mommy carried Boe the entire way. Why does he look so tired?

Awesome big trash cans!

"Boe Climb Up!" Ready to be our little mountain man!

Train Museum in Bishop on the drive home

Happily Ever After Six Years Later

Kent and I celebrated our six year wedding anniversary in Santa Barbars. Naturally it was an easy destination choice as it is where we got married and there is so much to do. We stopped at the little Santa Barbara Zoo and enjoyed a non crowded morning looking at all the animals they have. The little parking lot looked challenging as we pulled in, only to spot an empty front spot for HYBRID CARS! Wooo hooo! We grabbed it and headed in! After we had a nice late lunch at our favorite seafood restaurant, The Beachside Cafe. Yum, Yum. A quick walk on the pier and then we headed home for some ice cream treat and bed!