Summer is not summer without a trip to Mammoth. Kent and I have been going to the Eastern Sierras (aka Mammoth) every year for over ten years. Sometimes when we are lucky we make it out there for a winter ski trip too! This was Boeing's second summer there and he naturally loved it; further proof he is just like his daddy!
Early morning wake up at the condo with a visit from the trash truck. How perfect!
Fun at the local park!
Looking for a Honu. Not in this cold water baby! Daddy will have to take us back to Hawaii!
Beautiful wildflowers everywhere!
Boat rental on Lake Mary. Boe totally did not like wearing the life vest but quickly fell asleep. Guess it wasn't the hit we thought it would be. Maybe next summer with a pole!
Fish Hatchery
Devil's Post Pile (and a little geography lesson from Daddy)
Morning hike at Tom's Plade
Downside of solitude, no one to take our family photo!
Daddy conveniently forgot the frame pack. Mommy carried Boe the entire way. Why does he look so tired?
Awesome big trash cans!
"Boe Climb Up!" Ready to be our little mountain man!
Train Museum in Bishop on the drive home