Wow, I am so behind. You would think I could get a few photos of Boeing in his homemade Halloween costume before it was Christmas! Although, in all fairness, the green and red of Christmas pushed out the Halloween merchandice before the trick or treaters arrived at my door!
At first Boe wanted to be a trash man (fitting), but gave it up when he realized he would need to wear a construction hat. Luckilly I had not been able to track down a shirt (like the one we saw at the Sanitation Open House in May), so my heart was not broken. About a week before we were reading Richard Scarry books (for the kazillionth time) when it suddenly occured to me that Boe had to be Huckle the Cat for Halloween. When I asked him if that was what he wanted to be, he eagerly responded "yes". This made me super giddy (I know, pathetic) that he was thrilled to be a book character! So, being that I only had a week, I had to get the sewing machine running full speed to make the get up. Most importantly I had to master mind a way to make Lowly Worm. This was going to make the costume. No, this was going to help make the costume; Boe was going to make the costume!
We had a few occasions to show off how cute Boe looked, both at school and at his little friend's Halloween dinner and treating party! Although he was a champ about wearing the kitty ears, he would not stand still for any photos (boo hoo).
Decent night photo, no Lowly
Lowly, eyes closed - Agh!
"Mummies in a Blanket"