Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas morning - Hot Wheel Race Track (and air strip on back) made by Daddy!

Bike from Santa

We open stockings at GramE and GrampE's house every Christmas morning. Boeing loved the train under their tree.

GramE and Boe

Uncle Bubba, Oh Cole and Boe

Auntie Amy and Boe with their silly faces!

Richard Scarry Memory Game (he still loves Richard Scarry books and characters)

Back at home opening our stockings; Boe helping Daddy.

Dinner at Bonnie and Judi's home. Lots of yummy food!

More Hot Wheels from Uncle Kirk and Cousin Nick

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve - Already?!

Wow, we have had the home decked out for the holidays for quite some time now! Lots of homemade gifts, favors, and baking (not including the semesters end at work) have kept me from posting. It has gotten so much more exciting to put everything out knowing that Boeing will really enjoy the festiveness.

Holiday Books (a collection in the making)

Jammie Collection (still need to add two)

Looking for Spunkers the Cat under the tree

Looking at lights on Candy Cane Lane in Woodland Hills

Mini Apple Cranberry Pies for the neighbors

Opening up an early gift

Cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer (Boe really wanted to leave the reindeer dip for their carrots too)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Auntie Cole (Nicole) just graduated nursing school from Mt. St. Mary's and we all went out to celebrate such a great accomplishment with her. Boe kept begging her all night to "Please, please, please open the presents." It was too cute. photos to follow if I ever get them off of my other camera

Amy and I like to have our girlfriends over for wine night whenever our busy schedules allow throughout the year. We made several desserts, appetizers and set up a DIY bar. We really enjoyed the times with our friends wino friends!


We also hosted a Grinch theme playdate where each friend brought a wrapped book for the kids to exchange. My friend made a comment about not wanting to miss out on any "bunting" so I made little bunting as favors. We ate Roast Beast (meat loaf) and had Who Pudding (yummy corn cream pudding). The kids were as wound up as ever!

"Holiday Bunting"

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Fall Photos

Now that is is December, I find it fitting to post fall photos of Boeing at Underwood Farms! Ha! Where does the time go? I tell ya, this has been a very challenging resolution and I hope to try and continue the blogging next year (if the blog album is satisfactory physical documentation). Anyhow, Uncle Bubba was kind enough to tag along to do the photo shoot of Boeing in the beautiful fall setting of the farm. I can't wait until Boe is older, there is so much fun stuff to do. This year, he was thrilled just having all the open space to run, run, run!

Ride on a horse drawn wagon

Picking a pumpkin

My Mama's Boy

Love his little wave; did not love the bumpy ride!

My favorite!