Auntie Cole (Nicole) just graduated nursing school from Mt. St. Mary's and we all went out to celebrate such a great accomplishment with her. Boe kept begging her all night to "Please, please, please open the presents." It was too cute. photos to follow if I ever get them off of my other camera
Amy and I like to have our girlfriends over for wine night whenever our busy schedules allow throughout the year. We made several desserts, appetizers and set up a DIY bar. We really enjoyed the times with our friends wino friends!
We also hosted a Grinch theme playdate where each friend brought a wrapped book for the kids to exchange. My friend made a comment about not wanting to miss out on any "bunting" so I made little bunting as favors. We ate Roast Beast (meat loaf) and had Who Pudding (yummy corn cream pudding). The kids were as wound up as ever!
"Holiday Bunting"