Yesterday afternoon -
me "Boeing, may I please have a kiss?"
Boe "Oh sure, take it off of my lips" while pinching his lips
This morning while Kent and I wallowed in bed for a few minutes and Boeing checked on his toys-
me "PU, do I smell poops Boeing?"
Boe "Yes, I have poops and Daddy is going to clean it all up"
me "What did you say" (so Kent could hear it again!)
Boe "I have a poops FOR YOU DADDY" while pointing to Kent
Oh, he makes me laugh so much! Here are some cute things I have jotted down and am finally getting around to posting them (my notes are several months old, Boeing was about 2 years and 3 months when I noted these quotes)
"What's going on over here Wheels on the Bus?"
"I looked everywhere....I can't find it!"
"How'd that happen?"
"That sounds like fun!" and "Yeah, that would be great!"
"Papa, Daddy and GrampE are good fixers."
"Mommy is a good reader"
"I'm too busy to eat right now, I'm playing!"