A lot has happened around here these days, but most importantly was when our little piece of perfect turned three. Who needs a time machine when you have kids; eriously, where did the time go? Although I have been planning his party in my head (and on Pinterest) for several months, I could not get motivated to start doing stuff until I returned to work(s) (teaching middle school and college). However, the day went off almost perfect (not counting the downpoor while setting up in the morning) because of all the help I got from family. It could not have been done without them. We had about sixty guest (fourty adults and twenty kids) and a celebratory County Fair theme. This was Boeing's first real birthday party and he did not have a real oppinion about what he wanted, so I picked!!! He had a great time with all of his friends; the abundant amount of sugar did not hurt either.
Auntie Amy freehanded this cute welcome on her vintage chalkboard.
GrampE made a fun StrongMan (the kids loved this one)!
Auntie Cole made caramel apples.....mmm
The photo doesn't show how much beer and wine we had; gotta make sure nothing runs out!
Lights strung over the midway looked extra great when the sun went down!
Someone had a good time!
At Boe's request, we also had Kettle Corn!!
Face painting by Auntie Amy. Boe had a snake painted and chased everyone with it!
We served fried chicken, potato salad and watermelon.