Now that summer is here we have spent quite a bit of time over at GramE and GrampE's. I spent one morning helping Auntie Amy color and cut her hair (I think this DIY stuff is almost out of hand) and Boe enjoyed listening to a Winnie Pooh record on our old Fisher Price record player. Good times!
Huxley and Uncle Bubba
Huxley and GramE
Play photo shoot. I love the look on Huxley's face, kinda unsure about this older brother who is usually making so much noise!
They are so cute, it is hard to pick just one photo.
Relaxing now that his older brother has left the room:)
The smiling is still new, but I am already addicted to it! Love this little guy.
Hop Scotch for Boe's friend Sammie's fourth birthday. She is very athletic and when I saw this post on Pinterest, it had her name all over it. Next time I make one (because Boe has said he wants one) I will probably use felt, as the oil cloth I used (painters drop cloth) sucked up a bottle of paint per 12 X 12 square and took almost 15 minutes to sponge on (painting did not work). It is a bit stiff as well, but Boe gave it a test run and it works great for a fun indoor activity on a hot or cold day. We included painters tape to tape to her wood floors and some felt markers, the things you throw onto the scotch squares. When I was in elementary, I love playing Hop Scotch and my mom taught me to sew some of these markers and stuff them with birdseed. They stick nice to where they land and don't bounde all over the place like rocks or other misc. found on the school yard.
Spunkers felt a need to help, not!
Saw a recipe on Pinterest for homemade goldfish crackers. When we were at school playing with the playdough, there was a cute little car cutter that we used. They were quite delicious made with whole wheat flour and organic sharp cheddar. Yum!
My helper having his after nap snack.
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The recipe was super easy, thanks to my food processor. However, this little cookie cutter was a bit teadious. It is worth it to me to make things from scratch so I can pick my ingredients and show Boe that food does not come from a box!
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Making a bridge out of french fries on his plate. He is currently obsessed with bridges; knows the different names of bridges and always wants to make them for his tr