Thank goodness I married a VERY handyman. I have been wanting to paint the living room for some time now, as the current color is original to my move in (yikes). Kent wanted to rebuild the TV cabinet to be a bit slimmer for our new flat screen. Well, I asked if he would be up for making an entirely new one, as my taste have changed in the last 10 years. He built the first one exactly to my specs, but he still gladly agreed to scrap it for an update! Apparently, he had his own reasons for willingness to take on a new project...insulation. Whatever, works for me. Took me a while looking at lots of pictures and trying to combine the features I liked for each into one that would work with our existing wall and fireplace. Although my taste have leaned to the more modern, I don't want to stray to far off from the little 50's home we already have. So, happy with my final design that will be modern with some whimsy touches. Can't wait till it is done!
As you can see, the original cabinet on the right sticks out quite a bit to accommodate our big old tube TV.
Demo started, running new electrical and cable for TV relocation. He had to go in the attic and under the house. What a trooper!
Holes drilled for insulation. Kent and his dad have already insulated most of our other walls on the perimeter of the house; this was one of Kent's ulterior motives for such willingness to demo! They also insulated my parents (non insulated) 1950's attic the same day. What a messy job.
Shutters down, patched holes, maybe paint tomorrow!