We have been taking Boeing to a Parent Education class since he was five months old. At first, I thought, "I don't need to learn how to parent!" when I saw the class description in our local adult education catalogue. However, after hearing so many wonderful things, we just had to sign up. After several years, we are still as pleased with this great program as we were as new parents. This program has taught us so many things by great credentialed teachers. Sadly, with budget cuts, the program was almost cut. Luckily, it has been saved; someone must have smartened up and realized the value of early education. Our close mommy and Boe friends have come from this class, and for that we are so grateful! This last night of class before winter break was a pot luck. Teacher George has been a wonderful and very personable teacher. Each week she has made the effort to recognize each child in class and talk with them about their personal interest. We really like her!
Singing "Choo Choo the Big Train is Coming Down the Tracks Now", hand motions included.
Accepting his summer beach ball gift.
Story time; he is clearly very interested!