Mom pinned this cute wood print on Pinterest with a hint later to a friend in hopes I would make it for her family room. When we were upset about something growing up, she would always assure us that things would eventually be OK. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but we would soon be feeling better about whatever was currently causing us grief. I still remember that today when I am having a bout of distress.
So, using some of the other tutorial post on transfering font onto wood, I was able to pull it off. Best part was that everything was already here at the house. At first I was going to ask Kent to get some berch wood to use, but then I stumbled opon a beautiful (yes, that's what I'm gonna call this) piece of wood in the garage. It was just the right size and only need a nice hit with the electric sander (my favorite tool in the garage).
No project gets past Boe, my little helper. Luckily he is not offended when mommy just "finishes up"!
Found the font for FREE on dafonst (Wrexham) and whipped this up on Photoshop to the size of my wood. Then I just started in the corner and made 8X10 sections to print. Taped them all together to etch onto the wood (traced over the outline of the font real hard to dent the wood underneath) and then penciled in the final paintable area. Not to hard so far!
Painting underway. This part took FO EV ER! With a toddler and a new baby, it seemed lucky if I got a few letters done daily during nap. Oh, decided to put tape down as a guide to get the center letters straight, as the etching thing is not exact. Worked!
After painting, I busted out some 120 grit sandpaper to rough up the paint, and used the electric sander, again, to distress the edges to my liking. Not too bad.
Happy Mother's Day to the best mom ever. Thank you for everything you have taught me. I hope to be as great of a mom to my boys as you were to the three of us turkeys! Love ya!