This week was a rough one! Kent had to go to Dallas, TX for training and I had to get Boeing out with me in the morning. I can hardly get myself out in time, let alone Love Bug. Luckily Nama Yeager doesn't mind him in his jammies with matching hair to boot!
Because orange is one of my new favorite colors (not to replace my most favorite green), I decided it would be the first for trying to make learning colors fun. Both sets of grandparents say Boeing already knows his colors, but I just don't see it. After gathering up all the orange things from around the house I put them in the drawer under the kitchen table. Boeing already loves getting into the stuff (napkins, vitamins, placemats) after we eat, so why not surprise him with a little switch up!
Of course he had to get an orange crayon to color with too! Notice the scab on his nose. Boe had a little run in with the astro turf stuff coming out of the tunnel too fast at school (parenting class one morning a week).