It was a beautiful stereotypical Southern California day yesterday with temperatures in the mid seventies. There had been some rain and real cold days earlier in the week, dumping snow as low as 2500 feet. Kent and I loaded Boe and all the other gear we imagined we might need for a first trip to the cold white stuff. Mount Pinos was the best bet, as the roads were still open to get back to the snow. At first Boeing seemed really excited, pointing to the ground and squirming to get down. The excitement faded quickly once he felt the cold on his butt and subsequently his hands. Although he refused to wear his mittens, he was happy to borrow Daddy's gloves. Our visit was a short, yet fun family outing!
Boeing Likes the Snow

Boeing and Daddy

Boeing and Mommy

Bump on a Log

Snowman in the Making

Snowman for Boe

Boeing's favorite book right now is "Mighty Movers-Diggers and Dumpers." We read this book over and over while Boe points to the different pieces of heavy machinery. Of course when we saw this snow plow the boys had to head over for a look. Little Yeager is so much like his daddy; just too cute!