Saturday, February 4, 2012

Family Photos, Finally!!

I have been wanting to take family photos for quite some time now. In Robin fashion, I spent so much time mulling over the attire that photos did not get done. End result, no current photos. As we transition Boeing's baby room into a shared room for our new arrival, I knew I wanted a family photo up for him to look at. So, I just asked Uncle Bubba if he was available to shoot some at the local park and only gave myself a couple of days to plan the rest. We had a limited amount of time to get the shots, as I intentionally scheduled it between two timed activities. This worked fantastic, only taking one hour from start to finish. Well, Uncle Bubba had more work once I picked my favorites, but really, why do I make such a big deal of it? I'm definately going this route for our next shoot (aiming for June). BTW, sadly I do not look pregnant in most of the photos, rather, "thick". Oh well!
Notice we all have Blungstone boots (from Australia/New Zealand)