Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sanitation Open House

The Bureau of Sanitation host an Open House once a year at different locations in the city. Given Boe's love of all trash cans, we just had to go! Kent had to work for the East Side one, but we still went with GramE, GrampE, Aunt Bonnie and Aunt Judy. What a great treat for everyone; so much to see and learn about our city's sanitation system. They were so friendly and knowledgable, we really had a good time. After checking out all of the different trucks and hearing about the different jobs each one could do, we played a recycling game for a new trash can. There wase even a raffle and the man at our table who won gave Boeing all three of the cans (a "bU" one, green and black one).

The city uses Natural Compressed Gas to fuel their trucks!

A ride in the Trash Truck!

Look at all those new cans! It was like heaven for Boe!!

Could life be any better?

Daddy was able to come with us for the West Side Open House and Boe showed him all around. Of course we got another new "bU" can!

What a day! Spent!